Monthly Archives: January 2013

Flood Peak

The Brisbane River has peaked at Indooroopilly, and while the creek below our house has risen considerably, our house seems to have escaped, despite its proximity to the river. Our road didn’t flood, either. Even just a few hundred meters away, many people were not this lucky. We went for a walk along the river bank, taking a camera.


Submerged Moorings

Flooded Tree Trunk

Flooded River Bank

Flooded River Bank

Floating Tree

Fallen Tree Branch

No power, lots of water

Ex-cyclone Oswald brought torrential rain yesterday, and widespread power failures across South-East Queensland. (It is much, much worse further North but we live in SEQ so this is personal experience.) We have had no power since yesterday evening, it is not likely to be restored before tomorrow afternoon at the earliest, and a major flood warning is in place for the Brisbane River for tomorrow and Wed, where major releases from Wivenhoe dam once again coincide with high tides. (A bit of déjà vu, that.)

We got up farcically early on a Bank Holiday to stock up on emergency supplies, as, it turned out, did everybody else. Torches, flashlights, LED lanterns, bottled water and petrol were all in short supply.

We drove carefully and sensibly past flooded roads and fallen trees.



Having (eventually) obtained everything we might need for two days without power, we returned home to prepare for the forecast thunderstorms and floods. This included charging our mobiles. with a newly-acquired car charger, and helping a neighbour take down a precarious tree in a controlled manner. Then we went to look at the river just outside our house.


This much space before the road floods.


Our house is fairly high up over a creek. High enough, we hope.


The Big Wet

It’s been raining heavily all through the Australia Day long weekend – a consequence of being on the edges of Cyclone Oswald. Even the birds are seeking shelter wherever they can. In this case, on our deck.

Noisy Miner 001

Noisy Miner 002


Our house is in an awesome spot for wildlife-spotting. This Pacific Baza has been a cooperative model before. Today, I watched it hunting, and managed to get a few shots of the hawk with its prey. Not quite sure what the prey is — a mouse? A small bird? It flew away pretty quickly, presumably to enjoy its dinner without a clicking lens in the vicinity.

Pacific Baza

Pacific Baza

Pacific Baza

Pacific Baza