Monthly Archives: January 2013

Riverside Flora

Living in a rainforest (sort of) means the prevailing colour in the environment is, well, green. Many lush shades of green, especially after rain. Today I went hunting for other colours. It’s the middle of a hot summer, and there are not many flowers around. Still, this is what I found trying to grow along the river.

I also found a bright orange streetlight which was doing its best to outshine the midday sun. Through Liveview on my camera (with a telephoto lens focussed on a flower nearby), it looked at first like an unusually orange moon so I took a picture. Apologies for the cheesy post-processing but I couldn’t resist.

Orange streetlight

Radial Blur

Remember my previous post on effects one can obtain if zooming in / out while taking a picture? The same effect can easily be obtained just by applying a filter to a perfectly normal image. E.g. this one:

Paperbark Trail

Resulting in the following image (note that any desired degree of blur can be obtained; this one is 10px. The focal point can be anywhere, and affect any size area.):

Blurred Paperbark Trail

For comparison, a similar image with the blur obtained by moving the zoom while taking the picture:

Paperbark Trail

Daisy Hill

A trip to Daisy Hill Conservation Park, with new tripod and Eye-Fi card.

Today is very quiet – no wallabies (probably due to lack of picnic leftovers caused by few people around), and the muddy orange streams along the Paperbark Trail are totally dry for the first time ever despite it being the middle of the wet season. Still, one does what one can with the photographic subjects at hand.

Sleeping Koala

Happy Black Currawong with chip


Paperbark Trail