Monthly Archives: November 2013

Wildlife at the Botanical Gardens

Breaking our usual Saturday morning routine, and in expectation of a hot, stormy day, we went to the Botanical Gardens for a civilised breakfast, followed by spotting of photo opportunities. The Wildlife of the Day was skinks. Beautiful, very shy lizards. Got many shots.

Lace Monitors

Today we went to Enoggera Reservoir, on a whim. It’s a 25min drive away and we have never been there. It turns out there is a lovely walking track along the reservoir. Pretty much the first thing we saw was this enormous lace monitor. From nose to the tip of its tail it was about the same length as my height.

A magpie was suspecting the big lizard had designs on its eggs. Which it probably did. Brave bird:1, Lace Monitor: 0.

Magpie chasing Lace Monitor


Further along the track, an unusual number of cormorants all sitting together companionably.

Then, to cap it off, a little lace monitor. About half the size of the first one.

It was a privilege to see these wild animals.


Monster Bug

This huge bug crashed into our deck, looking a bit dazed afterwards. We tried to persuade it to depart for the lovely forest around our house but it seems to have taken a liking to the red cardboard folder. It’s still on it and won’t let go.


Look at the size!
