
On my travels through the Brisbane suburbs of Bulimba and New Farm I encountered an unexpected bonus today: A cormorant, on a rock close to the footpath on an ebbing tide, happily fishing and ignoring people pointing cameras at it. I sat down on the edge with my feet dangling near but not in the water (this is why it is important to always know whether the tide is ebbing or rising!) and took shot after shot, oblivious of the burning sunshine. (Not oblivious to the aftereffects right now but Artists must suffer, or possibly remember to take sunblock. At least I did remember a hat this time.)

While I was watching the cormorant had a bit of luck, and caught a fish! Quite a big one, compared to the diameter of its neck. And I caught the whole sequence on camera. I shall never need to take another cormorant picture ever again.

Cormorant catching Fish
Cormorant catching Fish