Bird Portraits

For some reason, unsuspecting birds have been appearing in front of my camera lens with unusual frequency lately. This heron was the product of the weekend’s sortie to Daisy Hill. While Fitness Fanatics rode the trails in 30C heat, I planned to sit next to a billabong with my ND400 filter. It turned out that that was a non-starter due to the total absence of any wind — there is no point in long exposures if nothing moves. However, this heron turned up and calmly spent 30 minutes fishing. Enough time for me to switch to my telephoto lens, mount it on the tripod, and get some excellent portrait shots.

And these shots were taken today, with my pocket camera. You know how I said I’d never have to take another cormorant shot ever again? Turns out I was wrong. This one was too cute to ignore.

Do click on the thumbnails for a proper view!