Time travel to the 1950s

Since we loved the rainforest so much yesterday, we decided on a second dose today. Having gone North yesterday, today South was the order of the day. Problem: there is nothing much South of Cairns – the rainforest bits of the Atherton Tablelands are more like SW, and 150km+ over windy, though pretty, roads. Enter the town of Babinda, around 50km South of Cairns, marked on the map as having a tourist information centre, and an attraction called The Boulders. Good enough, we thought.

On arrival at Babinda, marketed as the rainiest town in the country, it turns out that it’s a time machine, ca. 1950:


However, The Boulders turned out fantastic, and well worth the journey. Apparently so many people died there that the council closed the creek on pain of fines. Viewing only permitted from designated lookouts – and the views are gorgeous:





On the way, we found a monster spider, even by Australian standards:


It was really hot and humid, and eventually the permitted bathing area proved too much of a temptation:
