Fractal Blog


Also, good-bye Venus

Acuity on an ElekkI've got a new character in World of Warcraft: A Draenei shaman called Acuity. She's already level 14. Here she is on an Elekk. The pompous guy with his back to the camera is My Other Half in the game, a Draenei mage called Illucid. He lost his Elekk while taking it out of the given area. (Acuity lost hers while trying to shoot a monster while mounted.) Never mind, we'll both get our own Elekks when we're level 40. On we go.

In other news, my iMac G5, no longer needed since the purchase of my MacBook Pro, has found a good home with a mate. Still, there is a Mac-shaped hole on my desk now.

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