Fractal Blog

Anzac Day

Lysterfield Park

sailingIt's Anzac Day today, a public holiday. Something to do with the war. The weather was uncharacteristically fantastic, especially for a bank holiday in autumn; in fact, today would have been considered a decent summer day in the UK: unbroken sunshine, light breeze, temperature in the mid-20s. So we wnet off to Lysterfield Lake Park again. I made a creditable attempt at some single track, then left the Obsessive Cyclist to his usual daredevil antics and found myself a nice spot to read a book and watch the sailing.

birdThese little birds were quite curious, but also very shy. By sitting very still I managed to get a couple of shots (with my little camera - we left the long lens at home).

If it wasn't for the fact that it'll be dark in half an hour, autumn would be my favourite season here. For some reason entirely beyond me we're on winter time already, yet the weather is consistently warm and fairly sunny, and it still gets light at 6am.

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