Fractal Blog

Bunyip State Park

Happy Birthday to Me

trail It was my birthday yesterday so there were many presents to admire. Including an 8GB iPod nano. Shiny! Then we decided to investigate Bunyip State Park. It's huge. Available trails look mostly like this.

odd_flowersOdd flowers like these abound.

giant_antAnd we found a nest of giant ants. This one was carrying an enormous stick back to its nest.

dirt_track The concept of "road" in Bunyip State Park looks mostly like this. Having no map we followed it on the assumption that "the electricity poles must lead to civilization eventually". When the "road" became less straight and showed absolutely no sign of nearing civilization we turned around to take the same way out that we came in. After all the nearest "civilization" might well be Sydney.

platypus_logoThe Designated Driver then had the excellent idea of finding a cellar door in the Yarra Valley to sample some wines. I did so with enthusiasm, safe in the knowledge that I didn't have to drive. And we bought a case of wine. Cute logo, isn't it?

seashepherdIt has rained a lot recently, so from time to time puddles appear in the right position to take artistic photographs, like this one.

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