Fractal Blog

Capital City Trail

All the way around the city

view upriverDespite heavy overnight rain and an unpromising weather forecast, today was another lovely summer day in autumn, sunny and warm. For a change of scenery we decided to do the Capital City Trail, a bike path that forms a ring all around Melbourne. It goes through some suburban parkland, past the zoo, then follows the Yarra.

reflectionsWinds were light-ish (unless we had a headwind), allowing opportunities to shoot reflections.

dights_fallsDights Falls is about the half-way point. There is rarely that much water coming down.

goatsThe bike path goes right through a city farm. These odd-looking goats with their long floppy ears were feeding and enjoying the sunshine.

cityAlmost home. 31km, max speed 29.8 km/h, 2 hours. (Somebody bought me a cycle computer for Christmas.)

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