Fractal Blog

Easter Monday

More Trails

trolley Due to The Obsessive Cyclist not having had his fix of trails yesterday we had to go to Lysterfield Lake Park again today. Fortunately no race was taking up all the trails so the hills were available to climbing by bike. Having had quite enough cycling lately I elected to do the Tramline Walk on foot, on my lonesome and with my trusty long lens. This trolley was one of those used to cart mined granite out of the woods.

tramline_walk It's a beautiful trail. Cyclists not allowed. I saw no kangaroos, nor any humans on the trail, except a lone cyclist who shoudn't have been there -- but then, Aussies have the same regards for rules as the average Brit, i.e. they ignore them. I did see a small thin reptile out of the corner of my eye. I nearly picked up a stick to poke the hollow log it went into, so I could get a photograph. Then I remembered that this is Australia, and that the shape I'd seen could just as well have been a small snake. Clue: the probability of the snake, if it was one, being poisonous would have been so close to 1 as to be indistinguishable. So I left it well alone.

bird This bird got caught by my long lens. It wouldn't sit still for very long but at least I got a bit of wild life.

I went further along the track but turned back when, having tried (and failed) to photograph a spider's web from all sides, I couldn't remember which direction of the trail I had come from. I worked out laboriously that the sun currently was (probably) in the North, hence I should keep it behind me to get back. Mental note to self: Next time, along with water, take a map. Or borrow The Geek's GPS.

Lysterfield_Lake Having successfully returned to Lysterfield Lake, it was almost deserted despite the glorious sunny weather. The smoke in the background is a bush fire.

Talking of weather, I'm writing this sitting outside on the balcony at 10:30pm. It's been a lovely long weekend; the weather couldn't have been better. I think I prefer autumn here to summer.

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