Fractal Blog

Manly Scenic Walkway

No Surf

Manly Scenic WalkwayLong time no blogging. This is largely because I have been playing with Facebook instead. Anyhow, today being a lovely day (for late autumn -- 20C and sunny), and The Provider busy earning beer tokens, I decided to have a look around Manly all on my own, and without dragging around any wet gear.

Manly Surf BeachThis was just as well because as you can see there was no surf. One would go as far as describing this as "flat calm". I have no idea what those surfers were waiting for -- if it's a wave this could be a long wait.

beach_reserveHaving watched the surfers not surfing for a while I then went off to explore some of the Manly Scenic Walkway. Not all 4.5 hours of it, of course, just the start. Parts of it are very picturesque.

north_harbour_reserveThis is North Harbour Reserve, as far as I went.

cormorantAlong the way, wildlife included this cormorant, drying its wings in the sunshine.

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