Cycling to Pill

More gorgeous reflections

pill_lakeIt being a sunny autumn day of unprecedented mildness for the end of October I decided to take the Team Bike down the cycle path to Pill. I made it all the way there for the first time since returning from Australia, and was rewarded with beautiful reflections and lovely autumn colours.

pill_lakeA reflection-only photograph. More Art with a capital 'A'.

Home Sweet Home


bristol_bridgeFinally, after two months, we have moved back into our own flat. We had had the planning and foresight to have arranged in advance of even seeing the place that it should be professionally cleaned. Just as well since as soon as the cleaners took a look they doubled the original quote. The words absolutely filthy were used. They did a good job though, leaving us only with the problem of what to do with the stained walls and carpets. Meanwhile, Bristol Bridge said good-bye to us with a stunning night-time reflection.

wet_paintSo, first day back in old flat and we spent the weekend at the DIY shop, buying paint and associated tools. When we weren't buying it we were using it. Now, four days later, the flat has been repainted. Next item: replacing the now-filthy carpets. Quote says it's going to be expensive but we don't want to live in a pig-sty. Unlike our ex-tenants.

sailing However, nobody can paint non-stop for a whole weekend. By coincidence a sailing race was going on when we briefly nipped down to Portishead. Some pretty decent gear, too; we saw an RS800. Of course, the water would have been freezing cold and falling in not at all pleasant. Give me a Sunsail club any day.

tug_severn_bridge More entertainment was provided by this tug going out to meet a bulk carrier. I waited until it was just in front of the Severn Bridge. That's Art.

bulk_carrier This is what the tug was waiting for.
In other news, our sea freight should be arriving in Felixstowe today. Better get on with the carpet replacement then.

Autumn Squirrel

More Reflections

squirrelThis afternoon in Castle Park I noticed how this squirrel beautifully set off the flaming autumn colours around it. It was only there for a few seconds, enough for my small camera to capture it.

castleSt Peter's Church, from a less familiar angle. Normally I approach it from the other side.

reflectionsMore reflections, looking from Castle Park towards Temple Meads.

Bike Ride

Through the Woods

tree_under_bridgeTaking advantage of another beautiful autumn afternoon I took our stand-in mountain bike out for a spin. (It's a stand-in because our proper bikes are in the sea freight, which isn't due to arrive for weeks yet.) For the first time since returning from Australia I cycled again along the path to Pill (but not all the way to Pill -- that bike is heavy). This tree's golden leaves were nicely framed by the Suspension Bridge.

tree_under_bridgePart of the cycle path runs through wood. The trees create a lovely tunnel effect.

footbridgeMore reflections, of a footbridge over the New Cut. I spotted a bird that might have been a small hawk. Then again, might not.

Autumn is here


autumnJudging by the weather, and the colour of the leaves, autumn has finally arrived. Today is a grey and miserable day so I thought I'd put up this picture taken last Friday. It was sunny and warm and this tree made a serious effort at standing out, colour-wise, in Castle Park.

reflectionsThere was almost no wind, allowing for these reflections. It was warm enough to sit outside on the grass and enjoy the sunshine, and many people did during their lunch break in Castle Park.

trimaranWe found Earthrace, a German eco-trimaran, moored in the harbour just outside the Arnolfini. It made for an unusual sight so I took a picture. Wikipedia has an article on it here.

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