Fractal Blog

Single Track... Lysterfield Lake Park

top_of_trailYesterday it was time to try out some proper single track again, an endeavour I have regarded with uncertainty after my epic crash. Some of us learn from experience. Still, I tried again (carefully avoiding almost all obstacles), and had an awesomely good ride. This picture was taken at the top of trail 1, in what is apparently "kangaroo city". I saw none this time, however, as described elsewhere, more obsessive cycling leads to more kangaroo viewings.

aussie_optimistWhile the Prospective Mountain Bike Racer decided to hare around the tracks at incredible speeds, I found myself a cosy bench next to the lake and watched some kids sailing an optimist.

rain_approachingThe weather continues to be really warm and summery for autumn, and we'd certainly had the best of the day. Towards the end of the afternoon these rain clouds were approaching.

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