Fractal Blog

Surf's Up

Summer has returned

skiffSummer has finally reappeared, and we've been having some lovely hot, sunny days. So, whenever neither of us has an interview we've been going to The Beach. Manly. It's very civilised: One takes a ferry to Circular Quay, then a ferry to Manly. The Manly ferry has a cafe on board, so one can sip a coffee during the half-hour trip. On arrival it's just a short stroll to the beach.

bodyboardYesterday we made use of the rental facilities at the beach and hired a bodyboard for $10. It was enormous fun. So much fun that following our swim we went into a surf shop to see how much one would cost. I mean, it's only a stiff piece of polystyrene, how much could that cost? $35? The first we saw was $279. Prices went up from there. $400, anyone...? The cheapest was $79 and we still balked at that, especially since neither of us is any good at it (yet). The Lateral Thinker had a brainwave: Gumtree. Success was immediate, and we are now the proud owners of a second-hand bodyboard for $20. This will do very nicely until either of us gets to be good. Unfortunately, I can already detect the beginnings of an obsession.... someone is already eying up surfboards....

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