Fractal Blog


With a long lens

cormorantThe weather forecast being correct for once (cold-ish, cloudy, showers) we headed to Williamstown by car just to get out of the flat for a bit. The long lens came in handy shooting cormorants.

clear_waterThe water looked unbelievably clear. This time I felt it was unnecessary to gauge the temperature by actually wading in. In the local equivalent of October it has to be too cold. Not that some swimmers were deterred. We saw some up to their waist in water, wearing a sweater!

canoeThe owner of this canoe had asked us some minutes before this shot where all the beach shops were. We pointed him two kms either side of our current location. He asked 'Is it like St Kilda?' Well. 'Smaller', we said doubtfully. He promptly decided to paddle back to St Kilda (at least that's the general direction). I hope the helmsman of the huge container ship noticed the tiny canoe.

seagull_with_appleThis seagull had found a soggy piece of rotten apple, and was making several attempts to eat its prize. There must be a scarcity of readily-available chips in this area.

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