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World Youth Day

Super Holy Thursday

World Youth DayIf you don't live in Sydney you probably don't know that today is Super Holy Thursday. I'm told today is the highlight of World Youth Day 2008 (a gathering of young Catholics from around the world, held in Sydney this year), as the pope will celebrate Mass or something. Well, Sydney is (to paraphrase a local newspaper) aspiring to be a world-class city and not some provincial backwater, hence is delighted to host such a large convention. Up to half a million visitors are in the city, not helped by the fact that it's also the school holidays. Now, add half a million to a city the size of, say, London, and you'll notice (if you don't believe me, wait for the Olympics to come your way). But London's normal population is eight million. Sydney's is barely four million. Result? Utter chaos.

This picture shows the crowds already lining the quay in front of the Opera House, a full three hours ahead of the expected arrival of the pope, by ferry. No, not the normal ferry, a specially chartered line of boats. All normal ferries were banned from the harbour while the pope was on it. It really is a very big harbour and should have enough room for more than the thirteen boats accompanying the pope. Anyway, the reason I was there three hours early was to escape the crowds by going to Manly. Some chance.

skiffThe Manly ferry was packed, of course. The last few days have been utterly lovely weather-wise, so I have been going to Manly a lot. In fact, the weather could easily be mistaken for a warm mid-summer day in England. T-shirts and sunscreen were the order of the day. Perhaps the pope called in some favours? Still, the weather worked for everyone equally, including the crew of this skiff, who no doubt enjoyed the windier conditions today.

World Youth DayThis picture greeted me in Manly: My favourite sunspot above the Bower Break is being used by a group of WYD attendees. Fortunately Manly is not short of nice spots next to water so I just found myself another one.

cormorantsObviously my trusty long lens was with me all the time, and I was lucky in photographic opportunities. This is the first time I've seen three cormorants together enjoying the sun on the same rock.

seagullI caught this seagull barely skimming the water.

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