November 2006

Kite Surfing

Tue Nov 28 22:08:48 2006

Went cycling to Port Melbourne after work. The weather was so enticingly sunny that we went on towards St Kilda. As usual it was blowing a gale, despite the sun. These kite surfers were enjoying it.

single_kite_surfer kite_surfing sun_on_waves

At dusk, both the reed boat and this pretty sailing dinghy looked magical.

reed_boat_at_dusk dinghy_at_dusk


Sun Nov 26 22:36:03 2006

Went to the You Yangs again to do the Western Plantation Trail. I'm getting better -- I even did some of the technical bits. Not, of course, those in this playground which The Mountain Biker had no trouble with.

We saw some Shetland Ponies on the way out. They had foals. This one was gallopping towards its cousins. It was tiny, and looked so cute.

Another Blog!

Thu Nov 23 21:56:21 2006

We started another blog today, which will contain posts on topics of more general interest than our daily lives. Also, for that blog we're using 'standard' blogging software. This means you can post comments there. We hope you will. This new blog will not get posted to every day, only when something blogworthy happens. It has an RSS feed so if something changes you will notice if you bookmark the feed. Here it is.

Thanks for your comment, Cat! And for noticing that something has changed.

More Trails

Sun Nov 19 22:46:52 2006

Happy Birthday, Father-in-law!

Went to Lysterfield Park Lake again, this time properly prepared (i.e. we took a picnic along). Round two on the Buckle Trail, and the extra bouncy on my front forks helped a lot (perhaps I should have read the manual?). I even went over a couple of logs.

Having survived the Buckle Trail we thought 'why don't we just cycle around the lake'. Bad move. The Scout had omitted to mention the inordinate number of steep climbs that this involved. So I was not at all happy by the time we finally made it back to the car.

The picnic, however, was lovely, looking over the lake. Slightly fewer other-people's-children would have been nice -- are all kids really that noisy?

Having regained some strength through ingestion of protein and carbohydrates, the Obsessive Cyclist then went off on his own to do some more trails and, it turns out, got to see some local wildlife. I, in the meantime, watched the sailing on the lake.

sailing sailing

Having my long lens with me I also tried to shoot some birds, with varying success. They are very fast and won't sit still -- every photographer's nightmare. Still, these two shots turned out ok.

yellow_bird yellow_and_blue_bird


Sat Nov 18 23:19:58 2006

Today's plan was a sortie to Williamstown, 13 km from Melbourne. It was described as a 'historic maritime village', which sounded interesting enough. Having determined that for some reason the ferry takes a whole hour to go 13 kms we decided on the train. That still took half an hour, largely because it made a nice big loop around all the major train stations in Melbourne (except the one next door to our flat) before actually setting out towards its destination.

schoonerWe alighted at Williamstown Beach and went to the beach (where else?). Nothing remotely historic or villagey was immediately apparent but it was certainly a very pleasant beach suitable for swimming. Lots of interesting sights, such as this beautiful schooner.

yacht_raceA Yacht Race taking place further out in the bay.

young_pacific_gullWalking along the beach towards town we observed this young Pacific Gull. It was by far the biggest bird anywhere in sight and bullied the normal-sized seagulls without shame. And it got to eat the dead fish.

seaplaneWe found excellent ice cream but nothing very historic, and 'village' isn't a term I'd have used either. Still, we did like our time in Williamstown. Gem Pier is the place from which to catch a ferry home, so we did. A bit further along is the landing stage of this seaplane. While we were waiting for the ferry it had somehow managed to fly in without us noticing.

cormorant_fishingAmong all the moored yachts, and the coming and going of motor boats, this cormorant was hunting for fish.

web_bridgeWe took the ferry home, passing under Web Bridge, which provided this photograph.

Growing up

Fri Nov 17 23:32:32 2006

chickWeather was almost acceptable today -- sunny though (of course) windy. Went back to Westgate Park to look at the moorhen chick. (Nothing to do with wanting to try out the extra bouncy control on my bike that Someone had neglected to explain so far.) The nest was empty but this turned out to be because it can now swim. Still looks cute though. I'm looking forward to it growing up.

chick_with_parentSometimes one still needs mummy's reassurance. Might have been daddy's.

ibisI waited for this ibis to take flight all afternoon. (All right, for 45 minutes.) Instead it just snoozed in the sunshine.

sailingSometimes people do sail here. It's hard work though.

tugWorking boats are a more frequent sight. Like this tug.

birdsThen we went for a well-deserved ice-cream. These birds wanted to share.


Thu Nov 16 21:09:07 2006

rainstormAnother rainstorm, though quite a nice picture. It's getting boring blogging about rain, hail, snow and thunder. After all, that's not unusual in November. In the northern hemisphere. Also, reading about it is not nearly as boring as living through yet another one. It's so cold we turned the central heating on. In the equivalent of mid-May.


Wed Nov 15 17:48:31 2006

rainIt is meant to be almost summer here. Say, about the equivalent of the middle of May in the Northern hemisphere. Yet today's temperature is 7 degrees C, and it is raining heavily, with a biting, gale-force wind. In actual fact, today's weather in Bristol (in November!) is better than here.

hailYep, hail too.

vic_point_reflectionGood reflections, I grant you.

140WilliamEarlier today it looked slightly better. We went to a different office for a meeting on the 40th floor. This is the view from the top.

140WilliamWe could see our flat from up there.

140WilliamIt's a long way down.

Local Photo Shoot

Sun Nov 12 21:58:15 2006

birds_on_driftwood Today, after yet another Christmas/Birthday-fuelled shopping extravaganza at Chadstone we took our bikes over to Westgate Park. This time the plan was for the Obsessive Cyclist to do the trails while I would stalk around the edges of the lake with a long lens to see which bits of local fauna might be amenable to being preserved for posterity. Completely unlike Melbourne there was very little wind (in sheltered places), meaning gorgeous reflections in the photographs. This one shows three birds taking refuge on a chunk of floating driftwood.

little_flamingo This little chap was wading around the shallow water and behaving for all intents and purposes like a flamingo. Only it was much smaller than a flamingo. And not pink. But apart from that, very much alike.

duck I caught this duck drying its wings after a dunking.

flying_ibis The white ibis is apparently very rare, this lake being one of the few places where it can be spotted. I was lucky enough to catch this one in flight.

baby_cormorant I thought at first this was a cygnet but then it started diving and swimming under water for considerable periods. I think it is probably a baby cormorant.

coot_chick We spotted the mother coot sitting on her nest right at the beginning of our trip. While I was watching it became apparent that two of her eggs had already hatched, and I was lucky enough to spot the baby coots having their first exploration of the world. I have rarely seen anything that cute.

sunset To top it all, yet another fantastic sunset.

Santa's Mail Box

Fri Nov 10 22:46:27 2006

santas_mail We spotted this mail box on our way to work this morning. It's the first of its kind I've ever seen. Looks like Santa will get a lot of mail soon, given that this post box is the same size (and shape, and colour) as a standard Post Australia post box. Note the sunshine with the Christmas tree in the background. Christmas in the summer just feels wrong. So does Christmas shopping in bright sunshine.

helicopter We noticed this helicopter coming down to land, and it looked like it had come down directly in the car park.

helicopter Sadly, it hadn't. On closer examination, this looks like a specially-cleared helicopter landing area.

youyangs_sunset This picture shows the You Yangs at sunset today. We shall soon do the Western Plantation trail again.

Knox City

Tue Nov 7 22:13:17 2006 (Melbourne Cup Day)

Today was a Bank Holiday in Melbourne. It's a week of horse races that are taken very seriously here so it's a city holiday. Predictably the weather was terrible -- 16 degrees and the perpetual wind chill made it feel like 10.

Having zero chance of a ticket to the Big Race (and not that much inclination either, given that from what we heard the chances of cuddling a horse are pretty much nil) we decided to take our mountain bikes to Lysterfield Lake Park for the first time. The weather forecast said "showers clearing early afternoon" so we threw the bikes into the car and made a detour to Knox City Shopping Centre, which is pretty much adjacent to Lysterfield Park.

I have seen Australian shopping centres before. Generally I'm underwhelmed but having seen Highpoint I thought there might be a chance of redemption for them yet. Wrong. Knox City not only had nothing in it that remotely elicited any desire in me to buy it; it made me feel that I didn't want to return there ever. This is not a natural feeling for me to have towards something billed as "the second-biggest shopping centre in Australia". [I wonder which is the biggest?] The quality of the merchandise in the average small shop (which is what makes or breaks a shopping centre), was far lower than at either Chadstone or Highpoint. Since I am The Shopper and determine such things we will not return to Knox City.

Having completed our survey of Knox City, the weather showed absolutely no way of improving, despite the weather forecast. So we went to Lysterfield Lake Park anyway. On previous visits, The Obsessive Cyclist had always moaned about those "lucky people" (only he didn't say "people", precisely) having mountain bikes. Now we had bikes too. Considering that it was my very first attempt at mountain bike trails other than the "introductory" Western Plantation I think I acquitted myself well enough. At one point in the trail even The Mountain Biker bailed out.

nice_trail Even I can manage this trail.

difficult_trail The Mountain Biker jumped this without trouble.

noway_trail Even the Mountain Biker bailed out on this one. When asked whether there was a ramp on the other side I said doubtfully "a pile of firewood". He had a good look though and got all the way to the top. Not going down the other way was a triumph of brain over guts. I consider this a compliment.


Sat Nov 4 21:48:26 2006

Today's theme was the acquisition of a barbecue. After all, it is the Aussie way. By a total coincidence our endeavours brought us stumbling into the biggest shopping mall in Melbourne -- Highpoint. Also, the first shopping mall in Melbourne that had several things that I actually wanted to buy. So we ended up with a barbecue. In addition to which I ended up with various other items of clothes whose purchase was something of an impulse.

food_cooking sparks bbq_done

Also, it's Race Week in Melbourne and lots of people are around dressed similarly to Ladies' Day at Ascot. An abundance of hats is in evidence. It rained yesterday (!), and the resulting left-over puddle gave me a chance at an interesting photograph.


Friday Evening

Sat Nov 4 00:42:23 2006

Even though the time stamp on this entry clearly shows it's Saturday, the reason it gets blogged so late is because of the Friday night. As in, went for a few beers after work and ended up in a restaurant on Southbank.

On the way, an interesting shot of our work place with a church in front of it, and a view of the North bank under an almost-full moon.

101Collins cbd_moon

Given that we had the opportunity to watch this magnificent fire show four times tonight it must mean that we were in the restaurant for four hours. After the pub, that is.

fireshow_southbank1 fireshow_southbank2


Thu Nov 2 23:11:16 2006

thunderstorm It's supposedly well into spring now, yet this was the picture that greeted us today at lunchtime. A thunderstorm containing hail and even some snow (maybe, if you squint just right). At any rate the weather made the local news.

In the evening, the weather looked much better, as evidenced in these pictures -- typically Melbourne. One should carry around a suitcase at all times for all possible weather conditions.

docklands docklands

walnut_boat One the way to a new bar we found this lovely recreation area in Docklands Park right on our doorstep. Note the tiny rodents behind the walnut boat. They might be marsupials but look like (cute) rats.

Picture of the Month

Thu Nov 2 22:46:46 2006

heron We spotted this heron one lunchtime on the banks of the River Yarra. It was very photogenic, as in, it stayed still for several minutes, allowing lots of shots to be taken. Though it was probably more interested in catching insects.


Last modified: Tue Nov 28 22:22:51 EST 2006