
September 2006

Dight's Falls
AFL Parade
Echidna Movie!
Brimbank Park
Rally Cars
Great Ocean Road
Sky High Mount Dandenong
Beautiful Sunset
Shopped Out
New Flat
Picture of the Month

Dight's Falls

Sat Sep 30 19:44:26 2006

It's AFL Grand Final day. It was also a beautiful, sunny, though still cold-ish spring day. So, while everybody else was trying to crowd into Melbourne Cricket Ground, we hired some bikes and went down the Yarra River Trail to Dight's Falls. The scenery was lovely, though I do think that a steep flight of steps should not be part of an advertised cycle path.

dight_falls dight_falls_bank city_view

It being Grand Final day, a plane amused the crowd by writing something in the sky. We only caught the beginning (it was very slow writing indeed) but eventually included the phrase "AFL Rules".


For those interested, the West Coast Eagles beat Sydney Swans by just one point.

AFL Parade

Fri Sep 29 22:06:48 2006

It's AFL Final weekend. This means the final of the Aussie Rules football is played out. This year between Sydney and some West Coast Team (I think -- ask the AFL Fan for more info).

Anyway, it's a big deal. At work there was a free lunch laid on, and very excellent it was, too. And they stopped the city for a couple of hours while both teams, with bands, marched through CBD.


Yesterday, while strolling along the Yarra during lunch break, we saw four cormorants all together, fishing. I'd never seen more than two together so I took a picture.


Also, this city has gorgeous sunsets. I couldn't resist taking another picture. Here it is.


Echidna Movie!

Sun Sep 24 13:11:51 2006

There's a major storm raging outside so I had time to produce a movie of the echidna we saw the other day. Here it is.

Brimbank Park

Sat Sep 23 23:09:06 2006

Went to the market this morning, so see if that's a viable alternative to the supermarket. Supermarkets here are too small, generally have no attached parking and sell everything in enormous quantities.

Anyway, the market was a success, if not a very efficient way of shopping. The Discerning Gourmet bought two excellent meals. The result of one of which can be seen here.

Having done that we drove through the park. After a small fuel crisis, which you can read about here, we managed to find and enjoy the park. We saw some typical Australian landscapes, as well as a wild rabbit, some moorhens, a very pretty bird we couldn't identify, an electricity pylon which provoked the exclamation "Oh, isn't it pretty!" from the Physics Geek, and lots of planes on finals to Melbourne's Tullamarine Airport.

moorhen wild_rabbit blue_bird creek creek fallen_tree path_through_trees pylon plane

Rally Cars

Fri Sep 22 23:25:27 2006

On the way to the pub it turned out that there is some kind of car race going on this weekend. Lots of rally cars parked along the harbour. So we took some photos. Also, very windy (as in, howling gale), and beautiful sunset.

rally_cars rally_cars stormy_sunset stormy_sunset docklands_at_dusk

Great Ocean Road

Sat Sep 16 23:13:54 2006

Drove half-way down the Great Ocean Road (about 200km). Lots of scenery and a bit of wildlife.

great_ocean_road echidnas_crossing great_ocean_road great_ocean_road great_ocean_road two_trees valley cormorant cormorant penguin geese

Sky High Mount Dandenong

Sat Sep 16 00:45:47 2006

Went to the Dandenong Mountains and did some wood trails. Saw a wild echidna. It was cute.

beetle echidna red_parrot yellow_bird sunset_in_wood sunset_on_road

Beautiful Sunset

Mon Sep 4 18:37:49 2006

This is what a beautiful winter sunset looks like from our new apartment.


There is still no electricity though. Apparently the electrical safety certificate has been lost/misplaced. Without it they won't connect the power. Sigh.

The Carpenter has been making furniture in between trying to solve the electricity problem. We now have a futon, a desk and two chests of drawers. Impressed.

Shopped Out

Sun Sep 3 23:02:47 2006

Totally shopped out. Found biggest-ever shopping centre in the whole world: Chadstone. It's got lots and lots of clothes shopping. Unfortunately we're not quite ready to do shopping for fun, such as clothes. We're still shopping for boring things, like furniture, duvets and towels. Fortunately Chadstone has other distractions, like two enormous water features. I couldn't resist taking some photographs:

water_feature1 water_feature2

However, back to the task at hand. Discovered that Hoyts is a cinema, not a shop. How was I supposed to know that? Note to self: Must watch more television. The advertising teaches brands pretty quickly.

Having had no luck at all at Chadstone (unless you count duvets, pillows and towels) we returned to Ikea. Bad move. The place is more crowded on a Sunday than a Saturday. But we managed to get hold of the futon and desk we wanted. Correction, I wanted. The Beer Hound just wanted furniture. That furniture would do.

Back at the new flat (still without electricity! Still somebody else parked in our parking space!) I promptly proceeded to develop a bond with the futon. It's the only piece of soft, comfortable furniture currently in the flat. Everything else is due to be delivered in the next two days. We built some of the furniture, with varying success. Predictably, Ikea had missed a couple of vital bits of wood from one package. Not too bad, considering how many packages we bought.

Anyway, considering today a success. Despite it being tiresome and boring, at least we ended up with some furniture.

New Flat

Sat Sep 2 10:59:09 2006

So, we finally got the keys to our new flat yesterday morning, and couldn't resist taking a look around before work. It's gorgeous. Specifically, the views from the 18th floor are gorgeous, to the point that during our initial inspection we entirely missed things like balconies, and even a whole room. You don't think that's possible? Ok, here are examples of the view, all taken from the lounge. Judge for yourselves.

View 5 View 7 View 1 View 3 View 4

The lounge is a quirky shape. We like it.


And this is the room we missed, together with the balcony.


Now all we have to do is put some stuff in... which we promptly started on yesterday evening. Bought boring but necessary stuff, like a washing machine, a fridge-freezer and a microwave. Not at all helped by our bank who seems to think our money is their money and will only let us have $1000 per day. Not pleased. That's less than £400. What happens if one wanted, for example, to buy an item that costs more than that?!

Then again, customer service can be excellent. The appliances we bought yesterday have already been delivered. Way impressed.

Anyway, off to procure more stuff to fill all that lovely space with.

Picture of the Month

Sat Sep 2 09:59:19 2006

Flying Pig

This statue of a flying pig stands at the corner of Swanston St and Bourke St. I noticed it while we were waiting for the tram to take us to the letting agent. It looked like an apt title photograph for this month.