August 2008

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recursive houseNo getting wet this weekend; it's simply too cold (16C). So we went for a stroll through Cremorne Reserve, with the intention of walking all the way to Mosman Bay along the North Shore. It turned out that we could not go beyond Old Cremorne Wharf due to maintenance activities on the path but that is another matter. It's the intention that counts. Among the many interesting things we noticed on our way was this lovely letter box. A true scale model of the property it belongs to, around 1:30. Pity that the letter box house didn't have a letter box itself...


July 2008

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surf The Northern end of Dee Why beach ends at some cliffs, causing impressively curling waves. No surfers were at that end, sensibly.


June 2008

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bondi beachWe have been in Sydney almost six months now, and have somehow never managed to get to Bondi Beach. Probably because no ferries go there. However, today was an absolutely gorgeous winter day, 21C, cloudless blue skies, on the day equivalent to Christmas in the Northern Hemisphere. I decided to make it my mission for today to get to Bondi Beach. It's a 35-min bus ride from Circular Quay. On arrival, I couldn't believe the azure blue waves curling in beautifully.


May 2008

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sundialPart of the sundial, in black-and-white. You can see what time I was there.


April 2008

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echidnaToday my usual beach haunt provided a surprise. I walked along the coastal path in the Aquatic Reserve, and saw an echidna right on the path! It wasn't in the least shy, hence I could get several pictures quite easily. It clearly lives there since I saw it (or its mate at any rate) again a little later, when I took the opportunity to shoot this video. As you can see, at some point it decided to nibble my shoe. It was wonderful.


March 2008

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Walk_to_North_HeadAs planned, we got up early today to go snorkelling. Shelley Beach, just around the corner from the Manly Surf Beach, seemed the obvious choice, especially since the enormously helpful assistant in the dive shop had kindly given us an introduction to where we should go and what wildlife to look for.


February 2008

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queen_victoriaTonight we were woken by a monster storm about 3am. The howling gale prevented us from going back to sleep again, which was just as well because at 6:30am, while we were dozing lazily hoping to be able to get to sleep at some point, the brand-new Queen Victoria cruise ship announced its arrival in Sydney with huge sirens, just to make sure that everybody was awake. So we brought out the long lens and managed to get this very excellent shot.


January 2008

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harbour_bridgeHaving arrived in Sydney it's now time to build a new life. Two items are at the top of the agenda: 1) Find a job (either of us would do to start with); 2) Find a flat. There are worse conditions to go job and house hunting in than 25-30C and glorious sunshine. It's the best summer weather I can remember in at least two years (and yes, that does include Melbourne where summer is terrible) though I'm told the locals are complaining about this summer being on the cold side.


October 2007

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bristol_bridgeFinally, after two months, we have moved back into our own flat. We had had the planning and foresight to have arranged in advance of even seeing the place that it should be professionally cleaned. Just as well since as soon as the cleaners took a look they doubled the original quote. The words absolutely filthy were used. They did a good job though, leaving us only with the problem of what to do with the stained walls and carpets. Meanwhile, Bristol Bridge said good-bye to us with a stunning night-time reflection.


September 2007

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windsurf_raceWe're back in the UK after a two-week holiday in Turkey to catch as much summer as we can manage before yet another winter. Sun, sea and watersports equipment -- what more could one want from a summer holiday? The Sports Obsessive has managed to learn to windsurf to the extent of winning the race during which this picture was taken. Up another Sunsail mug. I, too, can windsurf now, for small values of windsurf. I.e. I can stand up on a nice big board with a tiny-ish sail, and I can sail it forwards, frequently turn it around successfully, and sail it back, in light-ish airs. Windward progress for me still requires a lift from a safety boat.


August 2007

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henrietta_parkYesterday was another gorgeous summer day, and on a Bank Holiday weekend, too! So we decided to go for one of our favourite pursuits: Boating on the Avon. Not having access to a car we had to take the train to Bath and walk from there. We walked through Henrietta Park on the way to the Boating Station. On a totally calm day the reflections were perfect.


July 2007

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ice_sculptureIt's the middle of winter and icy pursuits are all the rage. There's an (artificial) ice rink set up at Docklands. And we spent the afternoon watching this ice sculpture being created. Fortunately it was sunny (from a spectator point-of-view) and cold (from an ice-sculpture point-of-view).


June 2007

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fishy_reflectionsFor our snorkelling tour yesterday we bought us a disposable underwater camera. An old-style film camera, would you believe, with actual film in it! So we had to wait until today to see the result. Not surprisingly, the first thing we saw was fish!


May 2007

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joey_in_pouchThis kangaroo had a baby still in its pouch. Baby was nibbling grass already though. I expect it will get evicted soon.


April 2007

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reflectionsWinds were light-ish (unless we had a headwind), allowing opportunities to shoot reflections.


March 2007

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flower One of very few flowers I've seen blossoming in Australia. It looked so gorgeous partly because of its rarity value. The state of Victoria is basically a desert, and few natural colours are on display.


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